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The first ever Asian Development Bank (ADB) Gender Forum entitled, The Power to Transform: Gender Equality in Asia and the Pacific, will be held on 22-25 November 2021 with the goal of informing, influencing, and inspiring action on gender equality.
The Gender Forum will be a virtual space to share and promote best practice on gender mainstreaming and inspire innovation for gender equality among ADB staff, developing member countries, government executing and implementing agencies, development partners, the private sector, academia, civil society and women’s organizations.
It will facilitate dialogue and information sharing between national, regional, and global partners and stakeholders, to discuss and explore how concrete policies and projects can better support the achievement of gender equality and more resilient communities. In doing so, it will help inform and deepen implementation of ADB’s Strategy 2030 Plan for Operational Priority Two on Accelerating Gender Equality, while also advancing the transformative gender agenda of Sustainable Development Goal 5.
Register now to join the ADB Gender Forum. For any questions or further inquiries, please contact the Gender Equality Thematic Group Secretariat