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“I draw the conclusion that, assuming no important wars and no important increase in population, the economic problem may be solved, or be at least within sight of solution, within a hundred years. This means that the economic problem is not – if we look into the future – the permanent problem of the human race”. – J.M. Keynes, 1930
In 1930, John Maynard Keynes wrote his famous essay where he tried to anticipate the economic situation which would prevail 100 years later. 90 years ahead, two questions can be addressed:
i) how has the economy evolved since the 1930s;
ii) how do Keynes’ grandchildren now imagine the economy for their own grandchildren?
The conference welcomes papers dealing with these two questions.
When Keynes wrote the Economic Possibilities, the economy was in the middle of one of the most severe economic crises the World has ever experienced. The economic mood was very pessimistic at the time, but Keynes tried to see beyond the short-period crash and look at the long-run future of our society. He assessed that the economic problem would be solved, or nearly so, within about 100 years. There are only 10 years left now, and the problem of poverty in the midst of plenty” is still relevant today. After several decades of rising inequalities, a new economic and financial crisis has casted doubt on the limits of conventional economic policies, especially monetary policy. Meanwhile, some issues have emerged that challenge the economic problem, especially the ecological problem”. Why aren’t we where Keynes thought we would be? The conference encourages proposals which are dedicated to explain why we are so far apart from the picture Keynes drew in 1930.
The conference will also try to anticipate the economic future of our own grandchildren. How can we anticipate the economic situation at the end of the XXIst century? Are we able to promote economic policies dealing with the ecological problem? What are the monetary and financial reforms needed to shape a more stable economic environment?
The working language for the conference will be English. Some parallel sessions in French will be held.
This conference will be held in Lille (France) and is being organised by the Clerse (Centre lillois detudes et de recherches sociologiques et economiques, UMR CNRS 8019), University of Lille, and ADEK (French Association for the Development of Keynesian Studies). We encourage economists from various strands of Post-Keynesian economics, as well as from other heterodox traditions, to submit papers that fall within the scope of the general theme of the Conference, as well as within the scope of Post-Keynesian economics.
As 2020 is also the 50 anniversary of the death of Michal Kalecki, papers that honour his memory are also welcomed.
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