Job Advert: Come join IDEAs (Re-advertisement) Communication and Engagements Officer (Asia, Pacific)
The International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) has an exciting opportunity for a qualified individual who…
In the 100th anniversary year of the Russian Revolutions, the conference focuses on the theme of revolutions, including their widespread and widely varying causes, contexts, conditions and consequences.
It will feature keynote addresses from four very accomplished speakers whose work is representative of the diverse features and geographies of revolutions past and present: Julia Buxton of the Central European University; Ruslan Dzarasov of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Domenico Losurdo of the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, and Gong Yun of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The conference will benefit greatly from the contributions of these scholars, as well as from the generous support of the following journals (to publish conference papers) and institutions:
Capital and Class; Capitalism Socialism Nature; International Critical Thought; Marxism 21; Research in Political Economy; Review of African Political Economy; Third World Quarterly; World Review of Political Economy; Centre of Asia Pacific Initiatives, Victoria; Gyeongsang University, South Korea; Centre for Global Studies, Victoria; Mayworks Festival; Association of United Ukrainian Canadians
For more information about the conference and instructions on how to submit a paper, panel or stream please visit
The revised deadline for paper, panel and stream proposals is April 15, 2017.
Information about bursaries available April 31st
Please send all proposals to