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The International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) has an exciting opportunity for a qualified individual who…
It has been a pleasure, and a great challenge, studying Doctor Marta Juanita Villaveces Niño’s, well devised conference for her entrance in the la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Económicas, ACCE. A pleasure, because of the soundness of her work and a challenge, due to the impossibility of exercising the researcher’s personal distancing mechanism regarding the analyzed object, as demanded by academic work. I will try to approach the feminist economics topic from my personal experience, as an economist and academic analyst.
I should value Dr. Villaveces’ honest will, saying right from the first word of the title, her position on the issue, without pretending the researcher’s neutrality, pretending that economics is not a moral science and, as such, it should analyze how society would be better organized for everyone’s benefit, designing the path for its accomplishment. Dr. Villaveces says, without hesitation, that teaching economics at the National University of Colombia, suffers lethargy.