The Marxist sociologist wrote incisively about the way in which capital-labour relations played out in…
Thandika Mkandawire A note from IDEAs
With great sorrow, we note the passing on 27 March 2020, of Professor Thandika Mkandawire, a doyen of progressive economists across the world, who was an inspiration and mentor to many of us. His razor-sharp mind and brilliant insights helped to shape an entire pan-African intellectual tradition and across the Global South his profound influence inspired and enabled an approach to development that was an important counter to neoliberal economics. For IDEAs, he was more than a mentor and friend: he enabled the creation and subsequent existence of IDEAs and encouraged us over the years as Chairperson of the Advisory Board. We feel privileged to have known him, benefited from his profound analysis of macroeconomic and development processes, and from the warmth, generosity, elegance and sophistication of his personality.
We publish below a tribute from Codesria, which he had led as Executive Secretary.
We will be posting more tributes to him in the coming days.