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Call for Papers for the 64th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy, "Marx in the 21st century: 150 years after Capital" to be held over October 15 (Saturday)
and 16 (Sunday), 2016 in Fukushima University, Japan.

The 64th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy
"Marx in the 21st century: 150 years after Capital"
October 15 (Saturday) and 16 (Sunday), 2016
Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa Fukushima-shi, Fukushima-ken 960-1296 Japan

150 years after the publication of Marx's Capital, the relevance of Marx's theory is now being appreciated anew. Increasing income inequality, lasting structural crisis, the dramatic changes in the spread of global capitalism all requires basic theories and historical analysis of capitalism. This is the right time to reinvestigate Marx's theory, and to rebuild theories of capitalism based on diverse political economic approaches.The Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE) is an interdisciplinary association devoted to the study and development of political economy, and of its application to social problems. Japan has been an important laboratory for developing and debating ideas about capitalism and its dynamics. JSPE has been the largest organization of heterodox economists in Japan since its founding in 1959. This annual conference will provide important occasions for debate among scholars with diverse points of view.

Invited speakers:

Professor Makoto Itoh (Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo), the 2015 JSPE-Routledge Book Prize winner. The JSPE-Routledge Book Prize honours work that promotes the study of heterodox economics throughout the world and challenges the dominant position of orthodox neo-liberal economics among economists and policy-makers.

JSPE invites all proposals reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of JSPE which include

  1. basic theories of political economy;
  2. historical developments in the critique of political economy and economics;
  3. the critical analysis of current political economic problems and policy challenges, including crisis, financial instability, economic development, socialism, gender, environment, and climate change.

Submission Procedures and the Deadline:

Proposals should reach the JSPE International Committee by 8 May 2016 at the latest.

When submitting your proposal, please include:

  1. The title of the proposed paper;
  2. Your name and academic affiliation;
  3. Your e-mail and postal address;
  4. An abstract (up to 500 words).

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 June.

Deadline of Full paper: The full paper and the extended abstract (A4, 1 page) in Word format must be submitted by 6 September 2016

Cost: Attendants will pay their conference fee (6000 yen per person including the conference dinner), as well as their own transportation, accommodation and other personal expenses.

Fukushima University is located in the Northeast Region of Japan

Postal Address:c/o Prof. Koji Sano, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Fukushima University, 1 Kanayagawa Fukushima-shi, Fukushima-ken 960-1296 Japan

Tel:+ 81-(0)24-548-8391


Contact: Prof. Nobuharu Yokokawa (Chairman of the JSPE International Committee)


March 2, 2016.

© International Development Economics Associates 2016