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Call for Papers for the 63 Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE) titled "Challenges to Main Stream Economics and the Future of Capitalism", November 21-22, 2015, at Hitotsubashi University, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan.

This years' conference theme concerns challengesto mainstream theories from the point of view of Political Economy.The financial crisis of 2008 was an embarrassment for most mainstream economists whodid not expect it andhad no explanation for why it had occurred. Economics has gone astray. It is now the right time to reinvestigate the nature of capitalism, and to rebuild basic theoriesof capitalism based on diverse approaches of political economics including Marxian political economy,the Post Keynesian models,institutional and historical schools, the Regulation school, analytical Marxism and so on.This annual conference will provide an important forum for debate among diverse points of view in Political Economy.

Invited speakers:

We are delighted to announce the following confirmed speakers:

The 2014 JSPE-Routledge Book Prize winner, Professor Samuel Bowles (the Santa Fe Institute): The Book Prizepromotes the study of heterodox economics throughout the world with the aim of challenging the dominant position of orthodox neoclassical and neo-liberal economics among economists and policy-makers.

Professor AmitavaDutt (University of Notre Dame)

Professor Simon Mohun (Queen Mary University of London)

Professor Peter Skott (University of MassachusettsAmherst)

JSPE invites proposals for its English sessions in the following categories.
English Sessions I: Topics relating to the plenary session such as (a) basic theories of political economy; (b) historical and theoretical analysis of modern capitalism.
English Sessions II: All proposals reflecting the tradition and analytical perspective of JSPE which include (a) Historical developments in the critique of political economy and economics;(b) Critical analysis of current political economic problems and policy challenges, including crisis, financial instability, economic development, socialism, gender, environment, and climate change.

Submission Procedures and the Deadline:

Proposals should reach the JSPE InternationalCommittee ( ) by 8 May 2015 at the latest.

When submitting your proposal, please include:

  1. The title of proposed paper and the category of the session;
  2. Name and academic affiliation;
  3. E-mail and postal address;
  4. An abstract (up to 500 words).
Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30 June.

Cost:Attendants will pay their conference fee (6000 yen per person including the conference dinner), as well as their own transportation, accommodation and other personal expenses.

Hitotsubashi University is located in West Tokyo.


Postal Address: c/o Prof. Masao Ishikura, Faculty of Economics, HitotsubashiUniversity, 2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo 186-8601 Japan Tel: +81(0)42-580-8000

The Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE)

Contact: Prof. Nobuharu Yokokawa (Chairman of the JSPE International Committee)


February 16, 2015.

© International Development Economics Associates 2015